Rebecca West

Black Lamb and Grey Falcon

A Journey Through Yougoslavia


First published in 1942, Rebecca West's epic masterpiece is widely regarded as the most illuminating book to have been written on the former state of Yugoslavia. It is a work of enduring value that remains essential for anyone attempting to understand the enigmatic history of the Balkan states, and the continuing friction in this fractured area of Europe.

Über die Autorin / über den Autor:

Rebecca West (1892–1983) was a novelist, biographer, journalist, and critic. She published eight novels in addition to her masterpiece Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, for which she made several trips to the Balkans. Following World War II, West also published two books on the relation of the individual to the state, called The Meaning of Treason and A Train of Powder.

Preis: CHF 33.50
Sprache: Englisch
Art: Taschenbuch
Erschienen: 2007 (1942)
Verlag: Random House N.Y.
ISBN: 978-0-14-310490-2
Masse: 1181 S.
