Ein kleines Büchlein von äusserster poetischer und emotionaler Dichte. Es erschien 1998 im City Lights Books in San Francisco und versammelt kurze Prosastücke und Poesie, die Semezdin Mehmedinović während des Bosnienkrieges im belagerten Sarajevo geschrieben hat. Reflexionen über das Leben unter Beschuss, die Rolle der Kunst darin, die eigene Situation. Bemerkenswerte Bilder, verstörende Assoziationen. Der Übersetzer des Buches, Ammiel Alcalay, situiert die Texte in einem sehr lesenswerten Vorwort und in einem Interview mit dem Autoren am Ende des Buches. Im Zentrum steht die Verortung des eigenen Erlebens, nicht des Blickes von aussen, der die Katastrophen und die Massaker an vorderster Stelle hat. Ein unbedingt lesenswertes Buch! cn
Klappentext:From one of Bosnia's most prominent poets and writers: spare and haunting stories and poems that were written under the horrific circumstances of the recent war in Bosnia-Hercegovina. Semezdin Mehmedinović remained a citizen of Sarajevo throughout the Serbian nationalists' siege and was active throughout the war in the city's resistance movement, as one of the editors of the magazine Phantom of Liberty. Sarajevo Blues was originally published at the end of 1992 and was the first book in the Biblioteka "egzil-abc" series, published in Ljubljana, which provided a forum for Bosnian writers and translators under siege or living in exile. Semezdin Mehmedinović says that "writing is, finally, quite a personal thing that doesn't make much sense unless you are practicing for the last word." For those Bosnians emerging from the siege or still in exile, these "last words" remain intimate possessions, one of the last bastions left against the commodification of tragedy.
Über die Autorin / über den Autor:Semezdin Mehmedinović was born in Tuzla, Bosnia in 1960 and is the author of four books. In 1993 he was co-writer and co-director, together with Benjamin Filipović, of Mizaldo, one of the first Bosnian films shot during the war. The film was presented at the Berlin Film Festival in 1994, and won the first prize at the Mediterranean Festival in Rome the following year. He, his wife and their son left Bosnia and came to the U.S. as political refugees in 1996.
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