Leila Ahmed

Women and Gender in Islam

Historical roots of a Modern Debate. With a Foreword by Kecia Ali


This pioneering study of the social and political lives of Muslim women has shaped a whole generation of scholarship. In it, Leila Ahmed explores the historical roots of contemporary debates, ambitiously surveying Islamic discourse on women from Arabia during the period in which Islam was founded, to Iraq during the classical age, to Egypt during the modern era. The book is now reissued as a Veritas paperback with a new foreword by Kecia Ali situating the text in its scholarly context and explaining its enduring influence.

Über die Autorin / über den Autor:

Leila Ahmed is Victor S. Thomas Professor of Divinity at Harvard Divinity School. Her most recent book, A Quiet Revolution: The Veil's Resurgence, from the Middle East to America, won the Grawemeyer Award in Religion for 2012.

Kecia Ali is a professor of religion at Boston University.

Preis: CHF 29.90
Sprache: Englisch
Art: Broschiertes Buch
Erschienen: 2021 (1992)
Verlag: Yale University Press
ISBN: 978-0-300-25731-1
Masse: 296 S.
