As a young man growing up under communism in South Yemen, Imran finds himself drawn to Hawiya, the daughter of a high-ranking official in the ruling Marxist party. He departs Aden, the seaport city of his childhood, to study literature in Paris, hoping to "see the sunset of capitalism with his own eyes". Years later he returns to Yemen and meets Hawiya again – only to find that she is now a niqab-wearing Salafist, calling on people to join the conservative Islamist movement. How will Imran and Hawiya reconcile their diametrically opposed visions of the revolution, within the all-consuming passion of their secret love affair?
By turns playful and politically engagend, this International Prize for Arabic Fiction long-listed novel spans the starkly contrasting eras that unfolded in Yemen from the 1960s through to the early twenty-first century. Moving deftly from the intimate and personal to the public and political, the novel traces one man's lifelong search for love and his own political ideology, from the independence of southern Yemen and the subsequent establishment of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, through the Unification of Yemen in 1990 and the explosive Arab Spring.
Über die Autorin / über den Autor:Habib Abdulrab Sarori is a Yemeni novelist who was born in 1956. He has been a Professor of Computer Science at the National Institute of applied Sciences in Rouen, France, since 1992. His first novel La Reine Étripée, written in French, was published in 1998. He has since published seven novels in Arabic, including a collection of short stories and a book of poetry. Suslov's Daughter is Sarori's first novel to appear in English.
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